One of the things that I like to talk about frequently is having a positive attitude and being a positive thinker. Those things don't just happen by accident. Like any skill, it is something learned or acquired, and to maintain that skill takes practice.
You don't just start playing violin one day and play first chair for the orchestra, you have to practice. You don't just pick up a baseball and become the starting pitcher for the New York Yankees you have to practice. Like the old joke goes---how do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice.
Like many skills in life, some individuals have a natural aptitude for certain things. Some individuals are natural gifted athletes, or singers, or musicians or scientists. For the rest of us, we may have a bit of an aptitude for something, but we still need to practice it. And practice it--- in order to get better.
Positive thinking (and having a positive mindset) is no different. You must practice this in order to become a better positive thinker. It doesn't just happen in a vacuum. This is also a key differentiator between "positive thinker" and being a "happy person". I think people get this confused often. People seem to think that if you are a positive thinker, then you are a happy person all the time.
As a positive thinker, you think or believe that a good or positive outcome will be the end result of a situation; it's not just that you are happy all the time. Positive thinkers do get sad, we just think that things will get better.
So how does one practice having a positive mindset and practice positive thinking?

One of my favorite exercises is the "Three Things That I Am Grateful For" exercise. In this exercise you write down the date followed by three positive things from your day. It could be something you did, something that happened---anything that has positive energy for you.
Examples might include:
-Finished a long project at work
-Saw a good movie
-Had a great workout
-Ate a great meal with spouse
-Found $5 in a coat pocket
-Got a new job, got a raise
-A friend asked if you lost weight or liked your shoes
Big things are easy to find, but sometimes you have to hunt for the good stuff

And some days those good things might be very small. If you are consistent in your effort, you will soon realize that after a week or two or three, there are many good things going on in your life. This provides you reason to be positive for the future and maintain a positive outlook. Try this exercise and see how it works for you!